刷新成功 加载中 加载完成 暂无数据
var config = require ( '../../config' )
var util = require ( '../../utils/util.js' )
Component ({
properties : {
category : {
type : String ,
value : "index"
params : {
type : String ,
value : ""
data : {
newsList : [],
page : 0 ,
size : 10 ,
totalPages : 0 ,
refreshCompeleted : false ,
loadingCompeleted : false ,
loading : false ,
noData : false
methods : {
getList () {
let that = this ;
that .setData ({
page : 0
if (that .data .category === "index" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/list_with_pub_info?channelId=${ config .channelId }&page=0&size=${ that .data .size }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
return value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ))
let newsList = that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content ); //这里要特别注意,不能直接that.setData({newsList:res.data.content}) ,见下面注释
that .setData ({
newsList : newsList ,
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
if (res .data .content .length = 0 ) {
that .setData ({
noData : true
if (res .data .content .length !== 0 && that .data .page + 1 == that .data .totalPages ) {
that .setData ({
loadingCompeleted : true ,
loading : false ,
noData : false
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : true
}, 1000 )
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : false
}, 2000 )
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
} else if (that .data .category === "search" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/search_in_channel_with_pub_info?channelId=${ config .channelId }&page=${ that .data .page }&size=${ that .data .size }&q=${ that .data .params }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ));
let keyword = that .data .params ;
let re = new RegExp (keyword , "g" );
value .title = value .title .replace (re , `<span class="keyword">${ keyword }</span>` );
return value
let newsList = that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content );
that .setData ({
newsList : newsList ,
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
console .log (res .data .content .length )
if (res .data .content .length === 0 ) {
that .setData ({
noData : true
if (res .data .content .length !== 0 && that .data .page + 1 == that .data .totalPages ) {
that .setData ({
loadingCompeleted : true ,
loading : false ,
noData : false
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : true
}, 1000 )
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : false
}, 2000 )
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
} else if (that .data .category === "professor" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/list_by_follow_with_pub_info?pubId=${ that .data .params }&page=${ that .data .page }&size=${ that .data .size }&q=${ that .data .params }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
return value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ))
let newsList = that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content );
that .setData ({
newsList : newsList ,
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
if (res .data .content .length === 0 ) {
that .setData ({
noData : true
if (res .data .content .length !== 0 && that .data .page + 1 == that .data .totalPages ) {
that .setData ({
loadingCompeleted : true ,
loading : false ,
noData : false
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : true
}, 1000 )
setTimeout ( function () {
that .setData ({
refreshCompeleted : false
}, 2000 )
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
getMoreList : function () {
let that = this ;
setTimeout ( function () {
if (that .data .page + 1 < that .data .totalPages ) {
that .setData ({
page : that .data .page + 1 ,
loading : true
if (that .data .category === "index" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/list_with_pub_info?channelId=${ config .channelId }&page=${ that .data .page }&size=${ that .data .size }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
return value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ))
that .setData ({
newsList : that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content ),
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
loading : false
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
} else if (that .data .category === "search" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/search_in_channel_with_pub_info?channelId=${ config .channelId }&page=${ that .data .page }&size=${ that .data .size }&q=${ that .data .params }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ));
let keyword = that .data .params ;
let re = new RegExp (keyword , "g" );
value .title = value .title .replace (re , `<text class="keyword">${ keyword }</text>` );
return value
that .setData ({
newsList : that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content ),
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
loading : false
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
} else if (that .data .category === "professor" ) {
util .get ( `${ config .service .host }/web/news/list_by_follow_with_pub_info?pubId=${ that .data .params }&page=${ that .data .page }&size=${ that .data .size }&q=${ that .data .params }` , function (res ) {
res .data .content .filter ((value ) => {
return value .createAt = util .formatTimeDistance ( new Date (value .createAt ))
that .setData ({
newsList : that .data .newsList .concat (res .data .content ),
totalPages : res .data .totalPages ,
loading : false
}, function (e ) {
console .log (JSON .stringify (e ));
} else {
that .setData ({
loading : false ,
loadingCompeleted : true
}, 500 )